A womens way to restoring her health and wellbeing
The hyper fixation in our world on a womens body image and physical appearance has taught us that health is defined by the way we look, how much we eat and what we weigh and it often overrides our natural bodies healing intelligence and intuitive ways.
Yet if your a women who has ever been enticed by this concept, drawn into the diet and fitness industry because of it - you have most likely felt the heaviness and exhaustion from the constant need to track what your eating, weigh yourself constantly, push your body in the gym and completely ignore your intuition for the false belief that “skinny equals more loveable and worthy” to be healthy means “ your body looks a certain way”
Perhaps you have experienced the mental load it carries, the thoughts about food, what you look like and if you have trained hard enough, seem to consume you and you just can't seem to catch a break from them. They often dictate your every move, behaviour and how you show up in the world.
Although often this is not our fault. As we have been conditioned by the world we live in over many years, that a womens body shape and weight is the base line of, if she is classified as healthy or not. We see it on TV, Magazines, Social Media and in Gyms itself.
The sole focus is on diet and exercise. Calories in Vs Calories out. A very masculine approach to a feminine body that completely runs on its own cycle.Whilst what we eat and how we move are aspects of creating health, what if I told you they are just that two small parts that make up a whole of our health and wellness.
Personally for me after working in the fitness industry as a trainer for the last 11 years, trying every diet you could imagine, gaining and loosing weight like a yo-yo, struggling with multiple eating disorders and body image issues. I can tell you that in order to truly feel healthy and whole, We cannot just look at food and exercise.
Instead we must look at ourselves as a woman who is individual and unique. That in order to return to this space of health wholeness. We cannot only look at one aspect of ourselves and our lives , we must look at the whole of it.
Mind- body-soul-spirit and seeing them as interconnected not seperate. When we shift our focus from these two things and slowly look at other areas of our lives and what may be impacting us, our food and exercise become secondary and not so consuming and in our face.
From the thoughts we think,
Beliefs we have,
Energetics of our body,
Emotional health,
Spiritual health ,
Sense of purpose,
Sense of safety and security,
Financial situation,
Food & Exercise.
Hormonal Health and Living with our natural cycles
Ability to regulate our nervous system,
The environment we are in,
Ability to be true to who we are,
Embracing our feminine essence.
Yet I understand that this can seem perhaps a little overwhelming and you might be thinking well where do I even start because so many of those areas in my life might be out of balance.
But it doesn’t have to be complicated, it can be really gentle and nurturing. It can be as simple as one deep belly breath.
Because your breath is the one thing that influences every other area of your health and so it wont matter how much you exercise or how clean or strict your eating, If your breathing pattern is compromised or dysfunctional the rest of your health may likely be out of balance.
What does that even mean though and how it that possible ?
Well the way you breathe is the difference between living in a really stressful, inflammatory and compromised state of health or a calm, balanced and vibrant state of being.
As your breath is the master controller of your nervous system/ stress response (fight, flight, freeze, fawn). When we are living in a state of constant low grade stress, then we are creating disharmony in our bodies, all our major organs are compromised, our brain is deficient in oxygen supply and we can begin to feel its impacts, wether subtle or more noticeable and often antagonising.
We begin to experience symptoms such as:
IBS/ Digestive Issues / Bloating
Mental Health Issues / Depression
Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Chronic Pain
Low Sex Drive
Hormonal Imbalances
Weight Gain and Drastic Weight Loss
This can often lead us to looking outside of ourselves again, seeking the quick fix solution or blaming, restricting and punishing our bodies even more because we feel like they are against us. Often this is not the case, as once again we live in a world that profits off women being at war with their weight.
Instead it can actually signify the opposite, our bodies love us so much they are just trying to communicate and tell us something is out of balance. Read more HERE on physical symptoms and how they speak to us.
For now lets go back to the breath.. because when we shift our breath and enter into what is known as our rest and digest state of being. We allow our bodies the opportunity relax, soften and enter into a space of healing, replenishment and restoration, giving ourselves the chance to enter into a state of homeostasis and balance. It is here that our health and vitality begin to rise and we go from surviving to thriving. We allow our feminine energy to radiate and life feels so much more enjoyable.
This then begins to create a ripple effect that natural starts to change and transform your whole health and subsequently your life.
Allowing now for the enjoyment, freedom and love not only for ourselves to return but our bodies, the way we exercise and the food we eat.
p.s if your ready to start your healing journey today then be sure to head over and book yourself a free clarity call to see how I can best support you.